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Guitar Tip: When Is It Time To Change Strings

Here is a little information about time to change strings on acoustic guitars.  Every guitarists have different ways on the interval for string change.  Watch the video for more information.

Bone vs Ebony (Wood) Bridge Pins Sound Comparison on Acoustic Guitar

Here is another bridge pin comparison video.  This time I compared bone and ebony bridge pins.  Checkout the tone between the two setup and let me know which one do you prefer, the bone material or the wood (ebony) material for acoustic bridge pins.

String Butler for Guitar V4 And Comparison with V3 Model

This is my video showing the String Butler for Guitar V4 or version 4.  This model is fitted for bigger guitars with large or over-sized headstock.  Examples of these guitars are Epiphone Brent Hinds, Epiphone Sheratone, Gretch Eletromatic, Dean Wings electric.  This String Butler V4 has six posts unlike other models of String Butlers which have only four posts.  Checkout my video to see the product.

Plastic vs Ebony (Wood) Bridge Pins Sound Comparison on Acoustic Guitar

This is part of my series of acoustic bridge pins comparison.  This time I compared the effects on sound of guitar on using plastic against ebony (wood) bridge pins.  The guitar and strings are the same for both demo.  Check it out and hear for yourself.

Patawad (Moira dela Torre) Fingerstyle Guitar Cover

Here is another fingerstyle guitar cover that I arranged.  This time I played the song by Moira dela Torre entitled "Patawad".  The guitar I used in this video was Taylor 214ce acoustic electric guitar.  I used a Paige capo at 5th fret and the song was played with C chord family.  I hope you like it and click thumbs up.  Thanks.

Plastic vs Brass Bridge Pins Comparison on Acoustic Guitar

Here is my second video on my series of bridge pins comparison.  This one is about tone comparison using plastic bridge pins and brass bridge pins.  I used the same guitar and same strings. Let me know what you think about the tone.

The Gift (Jim Brickman) Fingerstyle Guitar Cover

Here is my fingerstyle guitar cover of the song by Jim Brickman entitled "The Gift".  The guitar I used in this video was S Yairi YDT-18 acoustic guitar.  I used a capo on the first fret to match the pitch of the original recording.  The audio was recorded using Audio Technica AT-2020 XLR condenser microphone connected to Canon M50 mirrorless camera.

Plastic vs Bone Bridge Pins Sound Comparison on Acoustic Guitar

In this video I showed sound comparison when the guitar is fitted with plastic bridge pins and bone bridge pins.  I did not replace the strings on this video.  I only replaced bridge pins.  The guitar I used was S Yairi YDT-18 acoustic guitar strung with Elixir Nanoweb Light-Medium gauge strings.  I played various style playing to compare the sound.  Check it out.

Elixir Light/Medium Nanoweb Strings on S Yairi YDT18 Acoustic Guitar Demo

First time I tried the Elixir Light/Medium Nanoweb strings.  It has gauges from 0.012 to 0.056.  This means that the treble strings are on the light gauges while the bass strings are on the medium gauges.  I installed this strings set on my S Yairi YDT-18 acoustic guitar.  I really like the results of this combination.  It has the comfort of light gauge and punch and bass response of a medium gauge.  Checkout the video to hear the tone.

Guitar Tip: Easy Bridge Pin Removal on Acoustic Guitar

In this video I gave tips on how to easily remove the bridge pins on acoustic guitar.  The tool I used here was a metal piece called bridge pin puller.  The end part is similar to the shape of the claw bar tool that is used for removing nails.  There are other tools for this job but I find this one as the easiest to use.  I showed here that the technique after releasing the tension of the strings, the string to be removed should be pushed inwards in order to release the pressure between the bridge pin and guitar bridge or guitar top.  See the video to learn more.